The Benefits of Taking Cold Showers: A 3 Month Trial

There are many reported health benefits of cold showers like increased testosterone levels and better circulation. I haven’t done any in-depth research but it seems like the data those claims are based on are not very strong. I recommend reading SlateStarCodex posts to help curb some of the gullibility we all have when it comes to …

Buy Your Own Lunch (BYOL)

Imagine you’re at the tail end of a business meeting at a restaurant. Your plate is still 2/3 full since you didn’t get to eat as much as you wanted because you were too busy answering questions. (That’s a problem for a different post.) The check comes. “I’ve got it, Jim!” “No, Bob. Let me!” …

Male Friendships, Witty Banter, and Violence: My Review of The Gentlemen (2019)

Guy Ritchie doesn’t only make British gangster films but they are to him what the View Askewniverse films (Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay and Bob, etc.) are to Kevin Smith, in other words his bread and butter and best films. The Gentlemen is his latest installment in that genre. Most directors don’t have their …